
The «Aprender português» community

Aprepo.com is a community of people sharing a common interest in learning, using and discussing the Portuguese language and culture.

«Os aprepoicanos»
Who are the Aprepoicans?

The Aprepoicans are all members of Aprepo.com. We Aprepoicans share a common interest in Portuguese language and culture. We are mostly Suedes, Norwegians and Portuguese, due to the fact that Aprepo.com was born out of Portuguese classes of the Swedish Folkuniversitetet.
On Aprepo.com, our dicussions and chats are mostly connected to experiences in learning and using the Portuguese language, and how we cope with the challenges of learning, teaching and using Portuguese, with a focus on European Portuguese.

Are you an Aprepoican? Head over to the Registration page, and find out! Membership is free.
The Swedish Folkuniversitetet (the People’s University of Sweden) offers Portuguese online classes aimed at people already mastering a Scandinavian Language. Some of these classes were the inspiration behind the birth of Aprepo.com.